Introduction Data lakes have gained significant popularity in recent years as organizations seek more flexible and scalable solutions to store ...

Understanding the Downsides of Data Lakes: Challenges and Pitfalls to Consider

Teradata Vantage has also made its move into the public cloud. Teradata Vantage is now available in AWS, Microsoft Azure, ...

Teradata Vantage now available in AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Storage with Teradata Native Object Store (Teradata NOS)

Introduction to Teradata Sparse Maps The Teradata hashing architecture and how AMPs are used to split tables for maximum parallelism ...

Maximizing Performance with Teradata Sparse Maps: An Introduction

How to use the Teradata MAPS Architecture? In an earlier article (link to All Rows on One AMP – By ...

The Teradata MAPS Architecture – Great Performance with All Rows on One AMP

What is a Teradata AMP? Teradata AMP (Access Module Processor) is a critical component in the Teradata system, responsible for ...

Understanding Teradata AMPs and their tasks in a Teradata system

Teradata Secure Zones I’ve had a few conversations recently with different customers about the “Secure Zones” optional feature added in ...

Understanding Teradata Secure Zones: A Clear Explanation and Possible Use Cases

Introduction to Teradata Physical Storage In the second part of this series on Teradata Physical Storage, let me take over ...

Teradata Physical Storage: Exploring Data Blocks and Storage Demographics