Occasionally, it is necessary to utilize a cursor within a stored procedure to execute specific functionality. I recently encountered a ...

Improving Stored Procedure Performance with Teradata MAPS Architecture

When designing tables for Teradata, it is important to distribute the rows across all AMPs in the system evenly. For ...

Designing Small Reference Tables for Teradata: Storing All Rows on One AMP for More Efficient Queries

Teradata Query Parallelism A query on a Teradata system runs parallelly in every step, whether for joining, sorting, or aggregating ...

Teradata Query Parallelism: A closer look at how Teradata’s shared-nothing architecture and parallel processing capabilities deliver exceptional performance.

  What is a Teradata Node? Teradata Nodes are Linux systems that come packed into a single cabinet, each containing ...

Understanding Teradata Nodes in Parallel Systems: Architecture and Scalability

To delve deeper into Teradata architecture, it’s essential first to understand the fundamental structure of a computer, as this forms ...

Teradata Architecture: The Pioneer of Data Warehousing

Teradata offers a range of features to safeguard against potential data loss, each providing distinct and granular protection. While some ...

Teradata Data Loss Protection: Transient Journal, Fallback, RAID 1, and Clique

This article presupposes your existing familiarity with the fundamental structure of a Teradata System. As you are aware, the AMPs ...

Doing Teradata Hashing The Right Way

How to use the Teradata MAPS Architecture? In an earlier article (link to All Rows on One AMP – By ...

The Teradata MAPS Architecture – Great Performance with All Rows on One AMP

What is a Teradata AMP? Teradata AMP (Access Module Processor) is a critical component in the Teradata system, responsible for ...

Understanding Teradata AMPs and their tasks in a Teradata system