Teradata DBQLOGTBL is a system table in the Teradata database management system that stores log data for all queries on the system. It is a valuable resource for tracking and analyzing query performance, as it contains information about the resources used by each query and the duration of the query.

DBQLOGTBL is located in the DBC database and can be accessed by users with the proper permissions. It contains a wealth of information about each query that is run on the system, including the start and end time of the query, the user who ran the query, the query text, the number of rows returned by the query, and the resources that were used by the query.

One of the main benefits of DBQLOGTBL is that it allows users to identify and troubleshoot poorly performing queries. By analyzing the log data in DBQLOGTBL, users can identify queries that are taking a long time to run or consuming a large number of resources and take steps to optimize those queries.

In addition to helping with query performance, DBQLOGTBL can also be used for security and compliance purposes. It can be used to track the queries on the system and ensure that users are only accessing the data they are authorized to access.

DBQLOGTBL is a valuable resource for tracking and analyzing query performance in the Teradata database management system. It provides a wealth of information about each query run on the system and can be used to identify and troubleshoot poorly performing queries, as well as for security and compliance purposes.

{"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

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