I made organizing Stored Procedures into Chapters and Steps a principle. These separation points are marked by comments and variables ...

Benefits of Organizing Stored Procedures into Chapters and Steps

In Teradata Stored Procedures, variable declarations are limited to the surrounding compound statement (BEGIN...END) and all subsequent compound statements.An integer ...

Variable Declarations in Teradata Stored Procedures

  Characteristics of Static SQL The SQL statement code cannot be changed during the Stored Procedure execution. Variables and parameters ...

Static and Dynamic SQL Characteristics: Examples and Differences

  What Are Teradata SQL Stored Procedures? Teradata Stored Procedures are essentially SQL with added functionality found in traditional procedural ...

Teradata SQL Stored Procedures: Adding Procedural Functionality to Your RDBMS

Teradata Partition Elimination – the Stored Procedure Approach Occasionally, we may want to choose rows in a table’s character column ...

Improve Performance with Teradata Partition Elimination: The Stored Procedure Approach

Introduction to Teradata Stored Procedures & Error Handling Teradata error handlers offer comparable functionality to contemporary procedural languages such as ...

Teradata Stored Procedures & Error Handling: A Guide for Effective Programming

What Is A Cursor In A Teradata SQL Stored Procedure? In Teradata SQL stored procedures, Cursors are pointers to data ...

Understanding Cursors in Teradata SQL Stored Procedures: Definition, Usage, and Syntax