Overview What is A Data Model? What are the Major Types of Data Models? What is FS-LDM? How is FS-LDM ...

Data Modeling and the Teradata FSLDM

Introduction In modern business, prompt response to opportunities and issues is crucial. Detect and collect business events for prompt processing, ...

Teradata Queue Tables: Managing Live Events for Faster Business Responses

Teradata Secure Zones I’ve had a few conversations recently with different customers about the “Secure Zones” optional feature added in ...

Understanding Teradata Secure Zones: A Clear Explanation and Possible Use Cases

Introduction to the Teradata Sliding Window Merge Join DWH Pro thoroughly analyzes the Teradata sliding window merge join, which has ...

Teradata Sliding Window Merge Join: A Detailed Explanation

As always, when something comes to the attention of a larger number of people, some embrace it, some frown. We ...

Teradata Pro is now DWH Pro!

A Teradata Show Table Proxy for Full DDL Recreation from DBC Throughout my recent development activities, an old desire became ...

Teradata Show Table Proxy: Recreate Full DDL from DBC Tables and Views

Introduction to Teradata Physical Storage In the second part of this series on Teradata Physical Storage, let me take over ...

Teradata Physical Storage: Exploring Data Blocks and Storage Demographics

Previously, numerous debates have emerged concerning the superior performance of specific statements: SELECT <COLUMN> GROUP BY 1 or SELECT DISTINCT ...

Distinct vs. Group By Understanding Performance Differences Based on Data Demographics in Teradata

Introduction to Teradata Data Types and Data Modeling Suppose you work in a well-organized environment where diligence and discipline prevail ...

Teradata Data Types And Data Modeling